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Actors Pic

Actor's Name

Character Names



Kristen Dalton

Dalton, Kristen Kyra S4/The Dying Fields

Roger Daltry

Daltrey, Roger Col. Angus Rickman S3/Exodus (Part I/II)

Una Damon

Damon, Una Mary S2/Invasion

Daniels, Buddy Kromagg S4/Genesis

John D'Aquino

D'Aquino, John Randall Simmons S4/Virtual Slide

Alex Datcher

Datcher, Alex Julianne Murphy S1/Luck of the Draw

Brigitta Dau

Dau, Brigitta Amanda S3/The Fire Within

Vicki Davis

Davis, Vicki Sara S5/The Great Work

William Davis

Davis, William B. Professor Myman S1/Eggheads

Scott Decker

Decker, Scott Kryoptus S4/The Dying Fields

George Delhoyo

Delhoyo, George Judge John Nassau S2/Time and Again World

John DeMita

DeMita, John Dr. Steven Jensen S4/Slide By Wire

Cleavant Derricks

Derricks, Cleavant Rembrandt Brown S1/All Episodes
S2/All Episodes
S3/All Episodes
S4/All Episodes
S5/All Episodes

Clinton Derricks-Carroll

Derricks-Carroll, Clinton Alt Rembrandt Brown S1/The King is Back
S3/The Prince of Slides

Michael Des Barres

Des Barres, Michael Prof. Vincent Cardoza S3/The Dream Masters

Neil Dickson

Dickson, Neil Col. Angus Rickman S3/The Other Slide of

S3/This Slide of Paradise

Jed Dixon

Dixon, Jed Leo the Custodian S2/El Sid

Sam Dolan

Dolan, Sam Union Soldier S5/A Thousand Deaths

Roy Dotrice

Dotrice, Roy Archibald  Chandler
Marc LeBeau  (Seer)
S4/Data World
S5/The Seer

Jerry Doyle

Doyle, Jerry Sgt. Vernon Larson S5/Strangers and

David Dukes

Dukes, David Thomas Mallory S4/Roads Taken

Hayley DuMond

DuMond, Hayley Joanne Capshaw S4/Net Worth


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