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Episode Info:
Air Date: 25 Jun 1999
Prod Number: SL-503
Written by: Keith Damron
Directed by: Richard Compton
Summary: Rembrandt, Maggie, Mallory and Diana are trapped on a strange world (Asteroid orbiting a white warf star) in between dimensions called Purgatory. With the timer frozen and no chance of escape they soon find themselves pressed into service with a special forces team from Quinn Mallory's homeworld (Kromagg Prime). The unit, under the command of Sergeant Vernon Larson, is fighting a war against a small     contingent of Kromaggs who are also stranded there. Larson's job is to guard a secret bunker and its unknown contents. The Kromaggs want what's inside. Larson will do anything to protect it, including recruiting the Sliders and putting guns in their hands. The Sliders discover the true meaning of hopelessness and despair when they learn that the anti-Kromagg weapon (Voraton KR-17) they seek, which was located in the secret bunker, is useless to them. Things worsen until all they have left is this war of attrition. Diana later discovers that the vortex has been open ever since they slid and discovers a way to move the vortex within the secret bunker. Before they slide, Maggie activates the anti-Kromagg weapon and exits into the vortex. 
Screen Captures:

Yummy, Eyes are a good source of Vitamins!!

Actor Character
Jerry Doyle Sgt. Vernon Larson
Shane Stevens Kromagg Soldier
Joel Stoffer Kromagg Lt.
Kirk B.R. Woller Pvt. Bates

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