When the Sliders land out of the vortex they find
themselves separated by an impenetrable glass wall. Quinn and Rembrandt are located inside
a high-tech ivory tower. Colin and Maggie land in the grungy surrounding streets. Neither
side can reach the other. In this world the population is separated into ON-LINERS, those
who reside in towered buildings, living vicariously on the Internet, and OFF-LINERS, who
live outdoors and despise using technology. Quinn and Rembrandt are about to be
apprehended by guards when they meet Joanne, who at first assumes Quinn is Rick, her email
friend and soulmate. Meanwhile, Maggie and Colin meet Rick, who turns out to be an
Off-liner who has no access to the great white towers of the On-liners. The Sliders,
working from both ends, decide it's time to get these crazy young lovers together... Too
bad a group of Scavengers, a roaming gang of violent malcontents, are set on insuring that
this union never takes place. |