Tracy Tormé Chat at Chat Room on June 15, 2001
<tracy> wow finding earth prime was easier than this
<Moderator-QBall79> can you de-op Ouranos?
*** Gregslide changes topic to 'Welcome to the Tracy Tormé Fan Chat (Gregslide)
<Nickel9110> :-)
<Yeontoo> I'll say ;)
<Gregslide> I'm trying to do that
> hehe
<Recall317> Hi Tracy, how you doing?
*** Gregslide sets mode: -o Ouranos
*** Ouranos sets mode: +o Ouranos
<Moderator-QBall79> Tracy... since wher are you the master of understatement?
<Moderator-QBall79> :-P
<tracy> good nice to talk to you all
<tracy> unfortunately were starting so late
<TemporalFlux> Hehe
<AJ> Left to get a soda. Hi Tracy
<tracy> but ill stay as long as i can
<tracy> hello all
<Yeontoo> nice of you to come chat, however long you can :)
<Moderator-QBall79> okay... I guess we'll just go unmoderated, but keep it civilized
<tracy> my pleasure
<Callie21V> Yeah, seriously, thanks. :)
<Moderator-QBall79> one question at a time if possible
<tracy> wow the french is throwing me off even with my last name
<Sabre-Edge> moved this shindig to France, huh?
<Gregslide> working to moderate the chat
<Recall317> Qball, just point tpo us
<SlidersRocks> TRACEY ROCKS!!!
<tracy> lol
<Moderator-QBall79> okay
<Gregslide> Tracy : are you okay with the chat?
<S> France? Now I don't even have to BATHE!
<tracy> i used to rock im getting old
<tracy> sure im fine
<Slider_Quinn> hehe S
<Moderator-QBall79> okay... questions...
<tracy> sometimes ill keep the answer brief
<S> R317 and I HAVE TO KNOW... Did you have any plans for Wing?
<tracy> not trying to be rude when i do
<tracy> lol
<Moderator-QBall79> send questions to me or Tf
<tracy> wing!
<tracy> wow
*** Gregslide sets mode: +o Moderator-QBall79
<Moderator-QBall79> thanks
<Gregslide> okay that works finally
<tracy> havent thought of him in a while theres your answer
<S> Ah, thanks!
*** Gregslide sets mode: +o TemporalFlux
<Recall317> It's a shame. Wing has taken on a life of his own
*** Moderator-QBall79 sets mode: +v tracy
<tracy> hes a man of mystery
<Recall317> He even has a first name now- Trevor
*** Gregslide changes topic to 'Welcome to the Tracy Tormé Fan Chat Help on (Gregslide)'
<S> (or a last name)
<tracy> lol who gave him that
<Callie21V> TREVOR?! Peck's favourite name?!
<Recall317> Donner (jason Gaston)
<Moderator-QBall79> <Slider_Quinn> Was he ever going to use the rift from
"As Time Goes By"?
<Callie21V> A Trevor in "Murder Most Foul" AND "Genesis"...
<Slider_Quinn> he=Tracy hehe
<tracy> i really cant answer about murder and genises cause im not connected to them
in any way
<Recall317> Nor would you want to be (did I type that out loud?)
<TemporalFlux> One quick question I've always wondered about. Prof. Maximillian P.
Arturo. What's the P. stand for?
<tracy> when i left i really left lol
<Gregslide> Finally... it was hard to set up the options. I am sorry if I was long
<Moderator-QBall79> the P stand for Plum!
<tracy> thanks greg good work
<Moderator-QBall79> yes, Greg, thanks!
> Actually I like Pavorottia myself :)
<Gregslide> thanks tracy ! :) you know that I will do anything for you and Sliders
<TemporalFlux> Hehe
<tracy> Pontius named after Pontius Pilate one of his historical heroes
<Gregslide> I hope that everyone is back here
<Moderator-QBall79> cool!
<Callie21V> Whoa!
<S> You said in an interview that you planned for something shocking to happen to
Ryan, the "Luck of the Draw" guy. May I ask what it was?
<tracy> wow good question id have to think about that
<tracy> been a long time
<tracy> but i do recall that i initially had bigger plans for him
<tracy> let me get back to you on that one
<Slider_Quinn> Was Nick Lea committed?
<tracy> so many episoded so many charectors so many network changes lol
<Slider_Quinn> to doing an arc?
<Gregslide> Tracy : Guess what... Slides is CURRENTLY on TV on the french channel M6
! Great coincidence !
<Moderator-QBall79> here's a good question...
<tracy> thats great greg
<Moderator-QBall79> <Informant> Have you ever thought about putting "Heat
Of The Moment" online?
<tracy> not really i put it on the shelf and its gathering dust too bad
<tracy> i think from fans perspective
<S> By the way, thanks very much for not totally disavowing the show's fans after
being so unceremoniously phased out of Sliders itself.
<Slider_Quinn> that is too bad
<Informant> thanks
<tracy> it wouldve been very popular episode
<Callie21V> Amen, S.
<Slider_Quinn> yeah!
<TemporalFlux> What I heard about it sounded classic
<tracy> cause we wouldve explored some shocking notions like Rembrandts death
<Recall317> Gotta ask. What sold you on Jerry O'Connell as Quinn? Killer audition?
lack of better options?
<tracy> and quinn and wade getting married and benish and arturo working together
<Moderator-QBall79> I still think you should market the Ice Hat.
<Callie21V> :-D
<tracy> dear s i was never phased out of sliders i left
<Informant> Sounds cool.
<AO> I have a non-Sliders question, Tracy do you believe the Travis Walton case or
did you approach the screenplay as fiction?
<S> Thanks anyway! ;-)
<tracy> slow down every one hang on for a moment let me catch up
<Moderator-QBall79> we can go moderated if you want
<Moderator-QBall79> would make it easier for you, Tracy
<tracy> just give me a sec okay?
<Moderator-QBall79> sure
<tracy> jerry was bob weiess's choice
<tracy> wade came down to sabrina and Amy Peitz who went on to do caroline in the
<tracy> ice hat yes could use one now
<tracy> yes came to believe in walton case but was open minded at first
<tracy> okay
<tracy> press on
<SlidersRocks> Tracey is it true that Jason Gaffney was going to make a come back in
a couple of epsiodes of season 5?
<tracy> i did try to set that up
<Moderator-QBall79> okay... when you ar ready for another question, type
"GA" (Go Ahead)
<tracy> just spoke with him last night
<tracy> going to visit with him and deanna Milligan( Gillian of the spirits) when im
in vancouver next week
<tracy> GA
<S> How are the two of them doing, anyway? Haven't seen much of them.
<Moderator-QBall79> <Slider_Quinn> Did you map out the whole show at the
beginning? Or at least have an idea?
<tracy> they work a lot in canada shes a regular on popular music show
<tracy> mapped out much of it
<SlidersRocks> Was Arturos illness in "The Guadian" the result of the
kromagg implant?
<tracy> you guys can keep asking just from time to time ill make a pause
<tracy> no result of network wanting us to fire him
<Moderator-QBall79> <Slider_Quinn> Were you ever going to use the rift from
"As Time Goes By"?
<tracy> not really just a cool ending to a shaky episode
<tracy> Melissa you there?
<Slider_Quinn> I thought it was cool
<Recall317> S2 series finale. Which ep is it?
<Nickel9110> yeah i'm here :-)
<tracy> which ep?
<Recall317> Invasion, As Time Goes By or Young and Relentless
<Callie21V> We've heard everything from Young & Relentless to Invasion touted as
the rightful finale.
<tracy> young and relentless was slways the last ep
<Nickel9110> did you like the way the show ended?
<SlidersRocks> because of the added kromagg scenes in TYATR
<Moderator-QBall79> (okay folks, I have to slip out... I'll still be here logging
the chat, but don't send me your questions or they won't get asked. Tracy, thanks for
hanging in there, and I'll talk to you another time. Chat on, people!)
<tracy> which show?
<tracy> thank you
<Moderator-QBall79> <S> So which slider was originally intended to get the
Kromagg implant?
<Callie21V> I think he means the final Sliders episode.
<Moderator-QBall79> okay, I'm really going this time
<TemporalFlux> season four they said Quinn had the implant
<TemporalFlux> But they weren't exactly following your notebooks then either ;-)
<tracy> didnt see final ep know nothing about it was different show as far as i was
<SlidersRocks> Why would David Peckinpah feel he needed to re-create an already
established show with "Genesis"?
<Slider_Quinn> it was no good. You missed nothing
<S> It WAS a different show, that's for sure.
<Callie21V> "Slidders," S.
<tracy> same with implant they took something id cooked up in invasion and took iit
somewhere else
<tracy> youd have to ask him
<tracy> i wont be any time soon
<Slider_Quinn> How close did you come to getting control of Season 4?
<Slider_Quinn> I heard rumors
<tracy> left in middle of season three never looked back
<Slider_Quinn> oh
<Slider_Quinn> I heard they offered it to you on the Sci-Fi Channel
<Callie21V> Tracy, had you been in charge of Season Four, how would you have dealt
with reuniting the original cast?
<tracy> no never talked with sci fi about that
<Callie21V> Would much of Season Three have been thrown out the window? :-P
<tracy> almost all of it
<TemporalFlux> Wouldn't blame you
<S> Did you intend to retire the show after Season 3? I heard "Heat of the
Moment" was intended as the final episode, or something to that effect.
<Slider_Quinn> Even THE BREEDER? ;-)
<tracy> no never intended to end the show
<tracy> heat of the moment was the one script i owed them before i left
<SlidersRocks> weren't you a creative consultant on year 4
<Callie21V> That title was in name only, SlidersRocks.
<Sabre-Edge> Did you have future plans for the Kromaggs?
<SlidersRocks> what did that job intail
<Slider_Quinn> Did you or Mr. Weiss ever think Sliders would get this kind of a fan
<tracy> i was techinically one for entire run of the show but never consulted on
anytthing meaningful
<tracy> yes we always felt we would develop a strong cult audience
<Informant> Do you think Sliders is really over forever, or do you think it'll be
back in some form in the future? (This one had to be asked :-) )
<tracy> probably done but you never know lots of things would have to come together
to continue
<Slider_Quinn> Doh
> Was there another actor lined up before JOC for the role of Quinn?
<S> Do you visit Sliders stuff online? Some pretty interesting sites out there (and
fiction... heh heh)...
<TemporalFlux> I had heard about the episode Beauty World for season two. Do you
remember any details of that story?
<tracy> can you all tell me your names real names first names and locations and
<Yeontoo> ages?
<tracy> well i guess if youre six or under or eighty or over you dont have to
<Recall317> Sure. Mike. 24. Maine
<tracy> no jerry was our first choice
<Slider_Quinn> Rob 18 Texas
> Steve 38 Memphis
<S> I'm actually a 55-year-old virginal man who likes N'Sync and lives with his
parents. Now if you'll excuse me, that wheelbarrow full of tacos won't buy itself...
<S> Seriously... Salah. 17. Washington State.
<SlidersRocks> Dean 21 Queens NY---film student
<LeMartien> Thomas 19 France
<Slider_Quinn> LOL S
<Gregslide> Greg 20 Student in Mathematics and Physics ! Quinn is my master ! :)
<Gregslide> from France
<TemporalFlux> Hehe
<LeMartien> lol
<LeMartien> France rules !
<LeMartien> ;o)
<Slider_Quinn> Do you believe in parallel universes?
<Gregslide> by the way Tracy... We are starting a new project in France called the
"French Virtual Sliders Season Rpoject"
<Gregslide> Project
* Yeontoo sent her age in private message :-p
<S> WAIT, I'm 18! I forgot! Man, that's pretty sad, considering I'll be 19 in about
a month.
<LeMartien> good project
<Gregslide> I know that American fans have already created many virtual seasons...
but in France, it's something very new
<tracy> okay cool
<tracy> grat good for you
<Gregslide> that's why I asked you the last time what you thought about the Sliders
<LeMartien> Tracy is "the parrain"
<tracy> not familiar with them
<LeMartien> I don know the english for parrain
<Gregslide> godfather?
<LeMartien> yes
<LeMartien> lol
<LeMartien> thx greg
<S> What in le monde...? :-D
<TemporalFlux> Do you recall what the story was for that season two episode Beauty
World episode that was never made?
<tracy> vaguely
<tracy> was pretty much what youd expect world where looks are elevated over
<Callie21V> We've all been wondering what in Green_Modus that one involved. :-)
<tracy> as i recall we spent quite a bit of time on it but ultimately abandoned it
<Yeontoo> why abandoned?
<tracy> think steve brown and jackson and blake took shots with it
<tracy> wasnt working
<S> Can you tell us about Arturo's son?
<Recall317> Brown was a fine writer. Liked his stuff a lot.
<tracy> hes an excellent writer
<tracy> i did alot of writing with him on
<tracy> uh the show with daelin and the rip in the universe
<Sabre-Edge> Which ep are you the most proud of?
<tracy> as time goes by i think? not sure
<Recall317> Yeah, that's a great one
<TemporalFlux> Yep
<SlidersRocks> If Sliders is brought back as a spin off would you be a part of it?
<tracy> i think probably the two hour movie the guardian and maybe post traumatic
<Slider_Quinn> PTSS was excellent!
<Slider_Quinn> pure genious, Guardian too
<Gregslide> It is my favorite Sliders ep!
<Informant> Great episodes.
<Gregslide> yes guardian is great
<tracy> yes i had written most of it then moved on to do invasion
<S> You mean you WEREN'T proud of EXODUS?!?! ;-)
<tracy> talking about ptss
<tracy> is that the two parter?
<S> Yeah.
<TemporalFlux> Ooooooh yeah
<tracy> whats the antonym for proud?
<Callie21V> LOL
<Slider_Quinn> LOL
<TemporalFlux> LOL
<AO> Tracy, if you can forgive a real geek question, the Sliders pilot and Summer of
Love seem to be happening within days of each other but there is conflicting date
reference between the two. Do you remember what you intended for time passage when you
wrote them?
<Sabre-Edge> embarassed ;)
<S> Disgusted? Revolted? That feeling you get after eating year-old chili?
<tracy> well they were connected story wise
<tracy> and then connected to the last days after summer thats how i originally
intended it
<SlidersRocks> was PTSS meant to be before Invasion?
<Slider_Quinn> If you could live on any parallel world you created, which one would
it be?
<Gregslide> I really loved the funny endings like in "Invasion" or
"Into the Mystic", where there were little cliffhangers. Why did they stop to
make such endings in the season 3 ?
<Callie21V> In other words... did the Sliders leave Earth Prime in 1994 or 1995?
<tracy> i guess so not really important
<S> SQ, the same one we'd all live in... NUDE WORLD! ;-)
<Slider_Quinn> hehe
<Callie21V> The PTSS vs. Invasion question has to do with the False Arturo clues.
<tracy> there was virtually no black comedy or satire after i left think it went out
the door with me
<Slider_Quinn> I loved the ending to "The Weaker Sex"
<tracy> just a choice they made thats why rembrandt suddenly became a navy guy stead
of a performer
<Slider_Quinn> Classic!
<Callie21V> We're wondering which S2 episodes can be considered "after"
PTSS, and thus should be pored over for hints. :)
<Gregslide> that's weird... did they really watch Sliders before creating the new
episodes ? :)
<Recall317> Because we'd never ask you flat out which Arturo slid.
<Recall317> :)
<TemporalFlux> Hehe
<Callie21V> It's been tried, dude. :-P
<tracy> and id never say
<Slider_Quinn> that's cool
<Slider_Quinn> you've given us enough ;-)
<SlidersRocks> well thats because we all know the right one slide
<SlidersRocks> hehe
<Gregslide> Tracy.. I know that you won't tell us which Arturo Slid, and I
understand.. but I wanted to tell you how great this idea was... many fanfictions worked
with that point
<S> I noticed that between the first two seasons Rembrandt made a big change. Was
this intentional, and if so, for what reason?
<Gregslide> that *was* an example of the great originality of Sliders
<tracy> dont think he actually changed alot til late in season three
<Yeontoo> I'll tell you greg, the wrong one slid :-D
<Gregslide> tracy : were you thinking of developping a Wade/Rembrandt love
<Gregslide> (like in Dragon Slide S3)
<Callie21V> Well, Remmy lost a lot of his self-centredness/whininess going into
Season Two.
<tracy> well was gonna play with that like a temporary thing
<SlidersRocks> Too many good episodes with Arturo after PTSS to say the wrong one
<tracy> think they had a lot in commen
<Slider_Quinn> they were great together
<Gregslide> yes.. and since Quinn was often with other women, Wade and Rembrandt
were together
<tracy> the two non geniuses normal people thats their bond
<Slider_Quinn> We were talking about this a while long did you and your
writing staff discuss the parallel worlds you created?
<Gregslide> lol
<Slider_Quinn> to make it realistic?
<tracy> not sure what you mean how long?
<Slider_Quinn> how in-depth did you go?
<Slider_Quinn> to make sure it was realistic. how much research?
<tracy> well each world had its own realities was important we were all on the same
<TemporalFlux> I have another middle name question too (seems to be my forte'). In
the season two ep Young and Relentless, Quinn's double is called QR. Is this meant to say
Quinn's middle initial was R? And if so, what did it stand for?
<TemporalFlux> Or was it just following the soap opera play on words with the title
to make fun of JR from Dallas?
<tracy> my middle initial is R think it was done as an inside joke about me
<Recall317> Let's talk extras. Any of them ever tick you off on the set? Jeffrey
Dean Morgan perhaps? :)
<TemporalFlux> Ah
<TemporalFlux> What does your R stand for? :)
<Callie21V> Cool!
<Gregslide> Tracy: did you use a nickname "Terry Devereaux" ?
<tracy> he just pissed me off so much i cant even discuss it
<TemporalFlux> LOL
<tracy> its a psuedonym i used on star trek one of two keith mills is the other
<Slider_Quinn> If there was something in the first couple seasons you could change,
what would you change? The Ryan arc?
<Gregslide> okay
<HurriKain> I'm late!
<Vigeant> Ditto :-P
<Callie21V> Welcome HK, Vig and Jade!
<tracy> nothing i would really change just wouldve worked harder on the network to
allow us more freedom
<S> How was the cast to work with? JRD has said nothing but glowing things about
them, but we wanna know if Jerry was really stuck-up or JRD was really arrogant! ;-)
<HurriKain> 5:30 EST forgot I live in Central :-#
<Gregslide> FOX wanted Nicholas Lea for XFiles right? that's why he couldn't stay in
<tracy> if youre all willing to give me three min ill try and see if i can stay on a
little longer?
<TemporalFlux> Sure
<Gregslide> sure!
<Slider_Quinn> yeah
<tracy> hang on ill be back
<Vigeant> Hey, why not :-)
<Gregslide> well
<Sabre-Edge> Intermission!
<Slider_Quinn> Yeah...the wrong one slid... ;-)
<Recall317> Now we can talk behind his back! (Kidding!)
<Callie21V> The Torminator!
<HurriKain> what I miss? what I miss?
<Grizzlor> testing to see if I can type
<Vigeant> Oooh, lemme get my popcorn!
<Gregslide> LOL
<Slider_Quinn> You could TOTALLY tell!
<SlidersRocks> no he didnt
<S> I feel like George on Seinfeld when he said "I love you" to that one
woman. Half my questions were just hanging there like motsa balls. ;-)
<Gregslide> it's a pity that we lost time at the beginning because of flooders
<SlidersRocks> anyone gonna ask about the sliders movie?
<TemporalFlux> Yep
<Slider_Quinn> Funny Simpsons on, guys
<Sabre-Edge> you too S?!
<Gregslide> yes we should ask many other questions
<S> Which one, SQ?
<S> HHH! Yup!
<Vigeant> Ditto on S
<Slider_Quinn> Burlesque House
<Informant> I asked about the future of Sliders
<HurriKain> I'm confused!
<Vigeant> We put the.. spriiing in spriiingfeeiiillld...
<Slider_Quinn> TV announcer:Do you know where your kids are? Homer: For the last
time! No!
<Recall317> Most of my questions are going to be on minutiae he's unlikely to
<S> They seem to entertain your dad!
<Vigeant> Hi son!
<Slider_Quinn> We just heard this place existed...
<S> (part of the song, by the way) ;-)
<MissSliderRy> Awww... I like you guys for asking Ryan questions. ;-)
<Informant> I'm thinking of questions... kinda lame ones. Be prepared
<SlidersRocks> nothing new is learned about the show
<Grizzlor> It's difficult, Tracy left before all the stupid decisions were made for
us to pounce on.
<SlidersRocks> it seems to me like the same old stuff
<Slider_Quinn> This part's my favorite, when Marge comes up
<S> No, Informant, he is NOT interested in life insurance. ;-)
<Grizzlor> Left the show I mean
<Callie21V> On the contrary, SR.
<Vigeant> Well, I have a song too :-P
<Informant> lol
<Callie21V> I mean, come on! PONTIUS!
<Slider_Quinn> Could you sing it again?
<Recall317> Heehee
<S> My money was on Penelope.
<TemporalFlux> think nothing has been learned?
<SlidersRocks> oh yea he did say TYATR was meant to be the last ep
<Grizzlor> I bet he made pontius up just then!
<Recall317> Heehee
<Callie21V> Of course, it was *Jerry* who washed his hands of Sliders.
<Informant> I had a computer glitch... darn, I wasn't able to answer the
name/age/location question :-)
<Slider_Quinn> Here's a question...
<Grizzlor> me either, Info
<Callie21V> That part was fun. :-P
<HurriKain> anyone got some embarrasing pics of Jerry? >:-)
<Slider_Quinn> What would he rather see: David Peckinpah's head on a platter or the
true ending of Sliders?
<Callie21V> Not even Torme shall ever learn my true identity. :-P
<S> Answer it now, Info... er, Jeb, 4x, Florida.
<Informant> Think he'd accept "Informant/3468/Earth's Orbit"?
> true ending is Pecks head on a platter
<Callie21V> Oh yeah, the space station back story!
<Slider_Quinn> LOL
<Callie21V> LOL vortex
<Sabre-Edge> Wondering why he asked the N/A/L questions
<Recall317> I think Callie is in the CIA: Canadian Intelligence Agency
<Grizzlor> Hurrikain Did you know jerry had a nude sceen with Tara Reid (american
pie) in a movie?
<MissSliderRy> LOL Recall
<Vigeant> Wait a second.. it's a mask, it really isn't Blinker, it's Mr. Mc Creedy
the Janitor!
<Yeontoo> wanting demographics for some reason
<Callie21V> It's *CSIS,* Recall! :-D
<SlidersRocks> does tracy like the peckster?
<Slider_Quinn> see what kind of fans there are
<Slider_Quinn> Cleavant does
<SlidersRocks> haha
<Callie21V> Tracy didn't work much with Peck, but he strongly disapproves of Peck's
<Recall317> The 23-25 year old male is a common demographic. :)
<Slider_Quinn> 18, eh S!
<Gregslide> we should ask for a new CD of Cleavant with The Crying Man songs
<Yeontoo> if no future for sliders... then why need the demo's.. or know what, where
and who
<Slider_Quinn> :-)
<Informant> My name is 18-45
<Callie21V> Maybe he just wanted to feel closer to us, Yeontoo...
<SlidersRocks> the only future is a spin-off
<Recall317> Greg, I'd love to see it, but the costs would be prohibitive for so few
<Callie21V> I feel all warm and snuggly now.
<Informant> I'm the target demographic
<S> It's obvious Tracy is stalking us!
<Vigeant> I think he's looking through my window
<SlidersRocks> why did he want to chat with us?
<Slider_Quinn> I'm not afraid. Texas is pretty big!
<Vigeant> AAAUGH! It is!
<Yeontoo> LOL
<Slider_Quinn> ;-)
<TemporalFlux> He likes to watch us get on and off
<TemporalFlux> of AiM
<Callie21V> As long as there's no silk involved.
<Callie21V> LOL Tf!
<Gregslide> Hey! I want to have copyrights on any transcript of that chat ! so Pay
me $25 for a copy on your website ! ;)
<Slider_Quinn> so bad, TF! ;-)
> lol @ Greg
<Recall317> Urge to kill Greg...rising...:-)
<Informant> Are his 3 minutes up? I think he ditched us
<S> TF, please don't expose
<Informant> hehe
<S> such weird information.
<Gregslide> hey! wasn't easy to set up that room...
<TemporalFlux> Hehe
<Gregslide> wasn't familiar with the syntax
<Recall317> He probably can't find it again
<Slider_Quinn> good Friends too
<Grizzlor> This room takes a while to load back up
<SlidersRocks> lol
<Gregslide> so I had to do that quickly
<Slider_Quinn> Could've been worse...he could've SHOT her
<Yeontoo> shot her?
<TemporalFlux> He's still on AiM...he knows how to talk to some of us
* Yeontoo feels a bit lost
<TemporalFlux> If he needs directions
<Slider_Quinn> Friends
<Informant> I wonder is QBall is really gonna read this whole transcript... everyone
say "Hi QBall!"
<AJ> bids all a fond farewell. Dinner time.
<Recall317> That Wade/Remmy line of topic creeped me out. Don't do that again
<SlidersRocks> yea but yout special TF you know his handle
<SlidersRocks> lol
<Vigeant> Here, have a map Y
<Slider_Quinn> Chandler's line about Ross and Emily
<S> As I always say offline... Friends. Don't have 'em. Don't need 'em. Sure as hell
don't wanna WATCH 'em.
> hmm tracy want to be invited back into the room
<Gregslide> I am so glad to see all of you my friends on my chat... :)
<Slider_Quinn> Its all that's on at 6pm
<Slider_Quinn> Trust me, I've checked
<Callie21V> The funny thing is, though, R... to a point, he agreed with it!
<HurriKain> hey Info
<Recall317> Which disturbed me all the more
* Yeontoo grabs MSR, to help study map
<Informant> howdy
<HurriKain> the search for Buffy CRACK is over!
<JadeM> I agree Yeontoo
<Gregslide> he's coming back
<TemporalFlux> Tracy's wanting back do we invite him?
<Informant> Woohoo!
<TemporalFlux> Greg?
<S> Just because Remmy is 15 or so years older than Wade...
<Vigeant> uhm
<Vigeant> come in/
<HurriKain> I found "The Wish" and "DoppleGangland"
<Informant> Welcome back
<HurriKain> :-)WB Tracy
<Vigeant> WB!
<Gregslide> Welcome back Tracy! :)
<TemporalFlux> UPN!
<MissSliderRy> WB
<TemporalFlux> I mean...WB!
<Sabre-Edge> He just has to wait a year for the thing to load... the flight to
France isn't short ;)
<Yeontoo> wb Tracy :)
<Gregslide> Thank you for coming back
<Slider_Quinn> ABC?
<tracy> hi ive delayed a production meeting since we started so late
<Informant> My joke, TF! :-)
<JadeM> HBO
<tracy> i bought twenty more min
<Gregslide> waow... we are honored! :)
<Informant> thank you
<TemporalFlux> Wow
<Slider_Quinn> thanks
<Gregslide> thanks a lot !
<TemporalFlux> Big time thanks
<Gregslide> by the way
<Vigeant> :-D
<tracy> its only fair sorry it was so hard to get started
<MissSliderRy> Thank you
<Gregslide> could you tell us more about your new projects ?
<Gregslide> Domination for example?
<Slider_Quinn> Who would win at a one-on-one game of Mindgame: Quinn or Arturo? ;-)
<tracy> just did story for an outer limits its been shot already
<Sabre-Edge> Arturo was too slow!
<tracy> called rule of law designed as a special more expensive ep
<Callie21V> Quinn, there IS an athletic component... :-D
<tracy> and as backdoor pilot
<TemporalFlux> Awesome
<Gregslide> looks great
<tracy> have new shoes domination
<HurriKain> Can you explain to us why is there a change in theme songs each season
the show progressed?
<Callie21V> Awesome! I can't wait to see that!
<tracy> true tales of terror
<Slider_Quinn> I liked Season 2's!
<tracy> and kung pow all in development stages
<Recall317> So despite setbacks and network battles, you still love the business?
<Gregslide> do you know when they could come on TV?
<Callie21V> Yeah, which style of theme music did you think most appropriate?
<tracy> no definite dates yet but soon
<tracy> Domination i think will be liked by most slider fans
<tracy> that liked darker episodes
<Gregslide> cool
<TemporalFlux> Woo-Hoo!
<Informant> :)
<HurriKain> nice!
<tracy> very ambitious project
<Slider_Quinn> Have you noticed all of the Slidersesque movies and TV shows out
<tracy> yes pretty amazing
<Informant> Do you think Sliders would have been different (behind the scenes and...
in front of them) if the show were pitched and sold today instead of back then?
<Slider_Quinn> like "The One" and Frasier
<tracy> yes would certainly be different in many ways good question
<S> Not if it was still FOX. ;-)
<Informant> thanks
<SlidersRocks> and Angel
<TemporalFlux> Hehe
<tracy> well even fox has changed
<HurriKain> LOL!!!!
<Recall317> Very true. Fox isn't nearly as middling as it used to be
<SlidersRocks> If Sliders was pitched mow would it be on the wb? or fox?
<S> No, but they DID can TLG.
<Recall317> I mean, we all still blast the hell out of Fox, but its' one of the few
networks I watch
<tracy> just finished writing the true tales of terror pilot
<HurriKain> and FreakyLinks
<tracy> its about the zodiak killer pretty cool stuff
<Sabre-Edge> What was your inspiration for creating Sliders? Anything that started
your mind on that track?
<Informant> Cool
<HurriKain> ool
<HurriKain> cool
<S> Same here, R, I admit it. :)
<Gregslide> tracy read a book on American revolution right? :)
<HurriKain> Have you read any Sliders fanfiction?
<tracy> alternate history the american revolution book i was reading yes right
<Sabre-Edge> Harry Turtledove?
<Gregslide> it's on the interview... :)
<Slider_Quinn> Tracy, was there really going to be a scene from "I love
Ethel" in an early episode?
<tracy> no cant really get into his stuff i ve tried
<tracy> yes lol
<SlidersRocks> Why was there talk about a sliders movie last year by Weiss? Anything
new in that department?
<tracy> i love ethel and skippers island bringing back sick memories!
<Slider_Quinn> LOL
<Slider_Quinn> Skipper's Island! Classic!
<tracy> also were gonna do world where canada was dominant and the guess who
recorded canadian woman
<Gregslide> some questions have already been answered... you can read it on
<AO> which Zodiac killer, weren't there two?
<Recall317> Some of the cut stuff is classic. Squeegee mummies from Into the Mystic?
LOL gret!
<tracy> first one the real one
<MissSliderRy> Tracy, I'd like to thank you for Sliders because without this awesome
show we, the fans, would never have gotten together. I've found some really good friends
in the Slider community. Thank you so much. :D
<Gregslide> tracy: in France, I didn't know Van Morrison.. since you talked about
him, I love his songs! :)
<Gregslide> yah that's trus MissSliderRy!
* Callie21V raises glass to MSR
<Gregslide> true
<tracy> that makes me very happy to hear you say that makes it all worthwhile thank
<Vigeant> Vig doesn't know how to do that action statement :-P
<Gregslide> I remember the time when we organized SliderVisions
* S says /me.
<Gregslide> and during the Slider Cybercon '98 too
<Slider_Quinn> Did you ever like the idea of Logan St. Claire as a villain?
<tracy> cool get album into the music if you can good song about paris on it
<Slider_Quinn> yes, we really thank you!
<Gregslide> ok!
<Gregslide> By the way, have you ever been in France Tracy?
* Vigeant testing
<tracy> and i thank you all for your intelligent devotion to the show its truely
<Gregslide> (I mean the real-France not the France in "Invasion" :-)
<JadeM> Do you have any idea who holds the literary rights to Sliders at the moment?
* Callie21V gives Vigeant the thumbs-up
<tracy> uh never to france except when i was a baby have relatives in bordeaux i
<Slider_Quinn> Intelligent? Oh god, don't show him E214! ;-)
<Sabre-Edge> Universal has the rights
<Gregslide> waoo.. :)
<Vigeant> Or 2958
<tracy> i think bob and i have the rights
<Slider_Quinn> or Dorky
<Callie21V> 69? :-D
<Gregslide> I don't know Bordeaux very well but it looks great
<Slider_Quinn> 69 is the best!
* Vigeant trips down the hall, falls down the steps and into the sewer
<Vigeant> oh neat
<Slider_Quinn> the tree!
<Gregslide> if you go in France, don't hesitate to tell me! :)
<JadeM> Has anyone ever approached you about books?
<Slider_Quinn> What's the name of the tree again?
<Gregslide> Tracy, we are wondering if we will see a Cryin' Man CD one day?
<Callie21V> Colleen Mallory. :-D
<SlidersRocks> ...
<Slider_Quinn> Oh yeah! LOL!
<Callie21V> Yes, we'd all love to see a Sliders novel series.
<S> Have you given a lot of thought to the science behind parallel universes? When
would one world diverge into 2+? Every time a decision is made?
<tracy> well there almost is one cleavants cd has song remmys slide on it
<Gregslide> yes Remmys slide is really cool
<Callie21V> A superb musician, Cleavant.
<Vigeant> Do we really wanna go.. Auuuu--ooohh!
<TemporalFlux> At least it could continue that way...and probably be less impaled
<tracy> that stuff gets very tricky ill leave it to the geniuses
<Slider_Quinn> Can we turn this slide around? Remmy won't go no further
<Gregslide> but we'd love to have "Cryin Like a Man" "Tears in my
Fro" on a CD
<tracy> lol
> Tracy Was you going to work with Richard Matheson in regards to Sliders?
<tracy> my greatest hits lol
<S> Well, I DID have to pawn my gold crown to get the money for this comp...
* Yeontoo would love to know if books are a possibility :)
<Grizzlor> The song Cleavant sung in Season 4 ep. was the best, forget which one
<Callie21V> Man... he is *legend.*
<tracy> my fave writer wouldve been honored but he wasnt doing tv at the time
<HurriKain> "angel"\
<JadeM> How do you feel about future books or a sliders spinoff book or show?
<Slider_Quinn> I've got Tears in My Fro cause there's nowhere to go
<tracy> did send him a signed pilot script however
<Gregslide> and Purple Hawai... :)
> nice :)
<Vigeant> and Cleopatras eyes
<Gregslide> I'm surfing on an ocean of tears
<Gregslide> Feels like I've been...
<Gregslide> Weeping for years.
<tracy> wow did i write that? yikes
<Callie21V> LOL!
<Yeontoo> lol
<Slider_Quinn> Tracy, if you could, would you Slide?
<Gregslide> My little island girl
<Gregslide> Set my mind awhirl
<Gregslide> Now I think I need...
<Gregslide> To sink a couple of beers.
<tracy> oh yes in an instant
<HurriKain> Did you had plans for the character Logan St. Clair?
<Slider_Quinn> so you believe in parallel worlds?
<Yeontoo> so, if I wanted to make a video game, write a book, or anything else with
Sliders, I'd need to sweet talk you?
<tracy> she was left to maybe return not certain
<Sabre-Edge> :-D
<HurriKain> WOO-HOO!!!
<tracy> yes sweet talking is usually a good thing
<Callie21V> :-)
<Slider_Quinn> Which world would you most want to see, Tracy?
<Vigeant> Oh.. then you have the most beauuutiful eyes!
<Yeontoo> well, sweetie, its like this....
<Yeontoo> LOL
<tracy> yes so ive been told but i never take my shades off
<HurriKain> <starts to order a GameCube development kit>
<TemporalFlux> Hehe
<tracy> paradise world of course
<JadeM> So someone would have to go through you or RKW if they have something for
<Gregslide> Love Gods? :)
<Slider_Quinn> was the world Quinn was talking about in the Pilot, Lottery World?
<tracy> yeah that would be a fun one to try
<tracy> no it wasnt
<Slider_Quinn> cool
<HurriKain> So, Tracy, man main man. :-) What did you think of the Maggie character
or Kari Wuhrer?
<S> Did you intend to have our Quinn see Smarter Quinn again? (in a way that didn't
suck like late S3)
<tracy> two minute warning
<Slider_Quinn> yikes
<HurriKain> ok
<tracy> whos our quinn smarter quinnn ??
<Yeontoo> I'm glad you made time to visit with us today, even cancelling a meeting
<Slider_Quinn> the one from the Pilot
<Gregslide> in the Pilot?
<Informant> Ever think of visiting a Sliders BBoard online?
<Slider_Quinn> we call him Smarter Quinn
<S> Smarter Quinn is the nickname we gave the double who helped Quinn in the Pilot.
<Gregslide> yep
<Grizzlor> Tracy, do you R. Weiss is still thinking about his movie idea for
Sliders, or has he given up?
<tracy> well i didnt cancell it just made it 20 min later but i get the idea thank
<HurriKain> what did you think of the "Quinn's from another world" arc in
Season 4?
<Yeontoo> smarter? he went native!
<tracy> as i said have no clue about 4th season didnt watch it
* Vigeant gets a headache from thinking of that story arc..
<AO> I'm curious about your Zodiac killer show, do you identify/fictionalize him? or
just stick to the facts?
<Slider_Quinn> Before you leave, Tracy, I just want to say thank you for creating
Sliders. I have had so much fun writing Sliders fanfiction and its really sparked my
interest in writing!
<tracy> stick pretty close to facts embellish in spirit of the truth
<S> If Jerry O'Connell wanted to leave the show, what would you have done?
<AO> really interesting case
> Did George Martin ever excuse you of takin the ideal of Sliders from his Doorways?
<tracy> thank you very much appreaciate it
<HurriKain> I like to second Slider_Quinn complement
<HurriKain> he took the words out of my mouth
<S> Actually, I have one final question... did you ever intend to get the Sliders
<tracy> yes george martin is a paranoid nut who built a career out of saying sliders
was based on doorways
<Slider_Quinn> Yeah, happy or sad ending?
<Vigeant> Seconds Hurrikains seconding
> ugh :(
<Slider_Quinn> E214
<Slider_Quinn> oops
<Slider_Quinn> didn't mean to write that
<Yeontoo> thank you again for coming, we hope you'll come back again
<TemporalFlux> Ugh
<tracy> complete nutcase fiction but some people actucally believed his nonsense sad
to say
> i have read an article about it in Cinefantasticque Magazine
<Gregslide> I am still wondering why the door creaked in The Exodus
<Gregslide> since they were home in Into the Mystic
<Slider_Quinn> Hey, thanks to you TF for getting this together
<Slider_Quinn> and QBall
<tracy> thank you all im honored to do this would be happy to do it again sometime
you all take care and no havent really checked out sliders
* Yeontoo wonders if this is a good time to sweet talk ;-)
<Slider_Quinn> go for it Y!
<Gregslide> Tracy it was fabulous to chat with you today
<tracy> rooms but would be happy to if someone wants to email me and tell me whereto
<TemporalFlux> Thanks Tracy!
<HurriKain> TF and QBall, I salute you
<Recall317> Adios, Tracy! Thanks for dropping by!
<MissSliderRy> Tracy, thank you for coming and making time for this chat. We are
really honored that you stayed with us this long.
<Slider_Quinn> Second that!
<Informant> Thanks!
<Callie21V> Thirded!
<Gregslide> yes thanks a lot! :)
> we appreciate it Tracy
<Grizzlor> yes, thanks to Tracy, TF, Qball
* Vigeant salutes Tracy! :-P
<Slider_Quinn> Thanks!
<Gregslide> I hope that you will received my mags soon...
<AO> bye Tracy, thanks a lot!
<MissSliderRy> Tf and QBall, thanks too!
<tracy> thank you all your questions were very thoughtful bye everybody