Jerry O'Connell at Maximonline on March 03, 2000 Welcome Jerry.
Jerry OConnell: Whats up Maxim? Im an avid reader. No question too
raunchy. Sock it to me.
Yiamas: Hey Jerry, what celebrities have you dated?
Jerry OConnell: Ive rumored to be involved with
Sarah Michelle Gellar, but that is no more. Were sorry.
Jerry OConnell: Im way too dopey to hold on to that
one. Everyone here understands.
Jerry OConnell: Chick dig me because I rarely wear
underwear. And when I do, its something erotic.
Crashed2manytimes: How old were you when you stared on My Secret Identity?
Jerry OConnell: I was 14 to 16. Thats the show where you had super powers?
Jerry OConnell: It was such a great experience working on
a low budget TV show. It taught me all the fundamentals of film. Thats why I went to
NYU film school. What were your secret powers?
Jerry OConnell: I had super speed and I could fly. What super power would you want? The ability to pee anywhere?
Jerry OConnell: Super Drinker! Able to drink all night and
make that 6 a.m. call.
Spiffy415: How often do you go bowling?
Jerry OConnell: I go every Monday night with my friends.
Its called Heckle Bowling. We throw in $20 a head and split up teams. As the other
team is bowling, you can heckle them with ex-girlfriends and mishaps. Beer is good.
Jerry OConnell: A good beer is had by all. Do you like to refer to a womans genitals as a hoo-ha or a
fun box?
Jerry OConnell: I like to refer to it as the Golden Palace
of the Himalayas. You guys are going to ruin all my political ambitions.
Jocrocks: Was it fun shooting Mission to Mars up in Vancouver during the
Jerry OConnell: Vancouver is the best place cause of the
fishing. I could open a sushi shop. Also, when you get up and put on a space suit everyday
it makes you feel like a true red blooded American.
Spiffy415: What was it like working with Gary Sinise?
Jerry OConnell: Hes so intense. I was a little
nervous the first day I went to work. I was expecting his character from Ransom
no ones cooler than Lt. Dan.
Elizabeth Ronholm: Do you personally believe the theories set forth about life on
Jerry OConnell: I think its pretty selfish to think
as humans were the only life out there.
ENYALIUS: What do you do when you are bored? Except chat with Maxim Online. The Chat of Champions.
Jerry OConnell: ESPN with my brother and a lot of beer.
Lots of beer.
Elizabeth Ronholm: Would you consider yourself a good role model for kids?
Jerry OConnell: No, thats designated for
professional athletes. Now that Im an international movie star, things are much
Kattart: Jerry, I hurt insidewill you hold me and make it all better?
Jerry OConnell: (LOL) I suggest you see someone. I will
talk to you, but I charge hourly.
Misdirected Hostility: Do you get mobbed by girls when you are out on the town?
Jerry OConnell: Not really
I take a train in NY and
have no issues about it.
EHova: Did you get to pee inside the space suit?
Jerry OConnell: No, we had a little fly. Unfortunately for
the women it was more difficult. They had to drop trou.
Misdirected Hostility: You are my role model! Drink Beer!
Jerry OConnell: (LOL)
MrsCharlieOConnell: What brand of beer do you drink?
Jerry OConnell: Im a Bud man. Good ol red
blooded American or whatevers cheapest.
Elizabeth Ronholm: Youve said twice about being a red-blooded
Americanwould you ever fight in a war for your country, if asked?
Jerry OConnell: Sure! All my grandparents did. Look guys,
I played an astronaut, too.
Jimmy carter: Did you ever find that jar of pennies that you buried beneath your
Jerry OConnell: No, but if I dont get a job soon I
may need to.
Jerray: Jerry, did you really barf in the airport in Las Vegas because you were so
Jerry OConnell: Never happened. But I was with people who
did. How well do you hold your liquor?
Jerry OConnell: As good as the next guy
but I
dont throw up. Come down to the sunset strip and find out for yourself.
S.A.M.: When did you know that you wanted to be a actor?
Jerry OConnell: Right after Stand By Me.
Jerry OConnell: In school I was considered hyperactive and obnoxious
soon found that behavior on a set is considered talent. It was an actors life for
Bronson: What do you find is the biggest difference between working in motion
pictures and on TV?
Jerry OConnell: You get to spend more time on scenes on
The pace in TV is a little frantic.
Misdirected Hostility: Cant Hardly Wait
you were damn cool in
that movie, is that what you are really like?
Jerry OConnell: No, it was a character. I went to school
with the two directors and it was a fun film. Not only that, I would do anything to get
close to Jennifer Love Hewitt.
Elizabeth Ronholm: Do people still consider you hyperactive and obnoxious?
Jerry OConnell: Yes.
Kattart: Have you bagged a lot of geek girls because of your role on Sliders?
Jerry OConnell: No, I dont use the sci-fi thing to
get laid. My brother on the other hand scours sci-fi conventions across the country for
lonely souls.
Linda Ann: Jerry what would the woman of your dreams be like?
Jerry OConnell: An awesome golfer and a Knicks fan.
Gregslider: If you had the choice, would you like to slide or to go to Mars?
Jerry OConnell: Without a doubt, Mars. Why?
Jerry OConnell: The budget is a lot bigger.
Gomerphs: What kind of tunes do you chill with?
Jerry OConnell: Stevie Wonder, the new Q-tip album. Other
than that, Im am a sports kinda guy.
Spiffy415: Whats this about live cockroaches in your mouth for Joes
Jerry OConnell: I do what I have to do as an actor. Did you have to get drunk after that?
Jerry OConnell: It wasnt necessary, but I believe I
Linda Ann: Jerry, do you ever hang out with Carson Daly? Ive heard you guys
are friends.
Jerry OConnell: Yeah, hes a cool guy. Although, he
hooked up with a girl I was dating in college. Does he secretly hate TRL?
Jerry OConnell: No, I think he loves it. He meets really
hot chicks. Do he and JLH still hang out?
Jerry OConnell: I dont know, I havent spoken
to her
shes gets busy with her show.
Spiffy415: What should we do if the Kromaggs come back here to Earth?
Jerry OConnell: Run from your TV sets!
Zacscott77: Hows Mariah Carey doing?
Jerry OConnell: Shes on tour. I have a serious crush
on that woman. Was that a fun shoot?
Jerry OConnell: It was so much fun. How did you get the gig?
Jerry OConnell: I begged and pleaded.
S.A.M.: Out of everything youve acted in what are you most proud of?
Jerry OConnell: Mission to Mars
getting to work with
Brian De Palma. How was working with De Palma?
Jerry OConnell: Hes incredible
the best
director Ive ever worked with. Better than Rob Reiner?
Jerry OConnell: Different styles. But both chubby and bearded?
Jerry OConnell: Actually, Reiners looking pretty
good these days. Do you still see any of those guys from Stand By Me?
Jerry OConnell: No, I dont really talk to those guys
anymore. But, check out the 15th anniversary DVD of Stand By Me
they talked
to me and Rob Reiner. It was on TNT the other weekend and I got tons of
everyone from my mom to girlfriends. Did they pick on you during the Stand By Me shoot?
Jerry OConnell: No, I was from NY and they were from
Hollywood. You had NYC street credentials?
Jerry OConnell: Oh, yeah.
Elizabeth Ronholm: Howd you get the role in M2M?
Jerry OConnell: I met with De Palma a few times and
really wanted to work with him. Once again, hes the technically advanced director
alive today. I would get him coffee on his next film.
EHova: Jerry, I named my my pet spider monkey after you. I affectionately refer to
him as OConnie.
Jerry OConnell: Thats funny, cause Im trying
to get involved with this Spiderman movie as Peter Parker. Have you talked to Sam Raimi?
Jerry OConnell: Not yet, but I love his flicks.
Jerry OConnell: Especially Evil Dead.
ENYALIUS: Whats the weirdest place youve ever made woopee?
Jerry OConnell: Let me think about that
Nothing too
but Ill keep you posted for the next chat. Cleverly evasive Jerry
Jerry OConnell: Actually
In Mission To Mars I
officially became a member of the 10,0000 mile high club.
Zacscott77: OK, your pick
Pamela Anderson or Shannon Elizabeth?
Jerry OConnell: Shannon Elizabeth. I might be working with
her in a film called Tomcats. I dont only think shes hot, shes
also got great comic timing.
SUICIDE BLONDE: What roles have you really wanted that you never got?
Jerry OConnell: Whoopi Goldbergs character in Ghost.
Ive been crushed ever since. Youd be a wonderful black woman, Jerry.
Bronson: What is your favorite thing to do on a Saturday night?
Jerry OConnell: Throw on my nicest leisure suit and
boogie-oogie-oogie till I just cant boogie no more. Do you live a swingers life?
Jerry OConnell: I live with my bro in Hollywood and
were both single. Ill let you decide that.
Linda Ann: Do you and Charlie still hang out in NYC? Do you consider California
home now or are you still a NYC guy?
Jerry OConnell: We do half and half. When Im in LA
Im always working
in NY, Im always playing.
Bronson: What is the first thing you notice about a woman?
Jerry OConnell: If shell talk to me.
Love Machine: Have you been to Amsterdam and smoked the big fat doobies?
Jerry OConnell: No. Midnight Express instilled a
little bit of fear in me. Have you ever enjoyed giving anal pleasure to a lovely actress?
Jerry OConnell: (LOL) Please be careful everyone, my
mother is online right now. For further details, get my E-mail from
Spiffy415: Ever get jealous when Charlie has a girl and you dont?
Jerry OConnell: No, my brother and I were taught at an
early age to share everything. Have you ever wanted to wrestle Jennifer Love H. to the ground and
tickle her till she pees?
Jerry OConnell: I dont know about the last
but anything to do with her Im game for.
Elizabeth Ronholm: How would you describe yourself in three words? Hunky?
Jerry OConnell: Sleepy, dopey, and sneezy. Do you like cheese?
Jerry OConnell: Yeah. Melted?
Jerry OConnell: Sure. On a hooker?
Jerry OConnell: (LOL) Only if its fat free.
Zacscott77: Have you ever heard the phrase, He who goes to bed with an itchy
butt, wakes up with a smelly hand and if you have
do you find that it applies?
Jerry OConnell: Umm
dude you should write fortune
Spiffy415: Jerry, can you handle the truth?
Jerry OConnell: Nice, Rob Reiner movie reference. Is Tom Cruise of this Earth? Is he from Mars?
Jerry OConnell: He is the nicest guy Ive every
worked with. You like him in Magnolia?
Jerry OConnell: Everyone should get a chance to work with
him on a set. He was great in Magnolia. Do you still talk to him?
Jerry OConnell: Its a small town, you see everybody.
MrsCharlieOConnell: What is your favorite thing to eat?
Jerry OConnell: Ribs. What is your favorite thing to eat
covered in gravy?
Jerry OConnell: Fried chicken. We prefer Caprice covered in gravy
Elizabeth Ronholm: Whats the craziest thing youve ever done for fun?
Jerry OConnell: Flew to Ohio to party with my friends in a
really small town. In the meantime I had the best weekend of my life.
Hixster: How old were you when you lost all those lbs.?
Jerry OConnell: I just got tall and it all stretched out.
Jackyl: Were you romantically involved with Teri Hatcher?
Jerry OConnell: No, cant say that I was. And neither were we
Jerray: Jerry, do you still play the piano?
Jerry OConnell: Yeah. Im starting to lose my chops,
though. My neighbors in L.A. hate it when I start banging out.
Hixster: Whos the most intimidating actor/actress youve worked with?
Jerry OConnell: My brother because I was constantly
fearing he would forget his lines. Hes not the sharpest tool in the shed. What locations did M2M on?
Jerry OConnell: In Vancouver, Canada. They also did second
unit shots in Africa. They shot the desert in Africa. Nice bud in BC?
Jerry OConnell: Bitchin, dude.
Cueballz: Ever have an orgy?
Jerry OConnell: Nope
Ive never been to an
orgy, but I have seen them in concert.
Elizabeth Ronholm: What was the worst mischief you got into as a teenager?
Jerry OConnell: I got picked up a couple of time by the
NYPD for truancy
other than that, I was pretty well behaved.
Elana: What Hollywood actors are you secretly attracted to?
Jerry OConnell: All of them. Even Kathy Bates?
KaraokeStar: In a chat a long time ago a girl asked you to her high school prom and
you said yes and that youd rent a limo and bring flowers. Did you ever make it, if
so how was it?
Jerry OConnell: We partied like it was 1999.
Linda Ann: What is the last concert youve been to, Jerry? What about the last
movie you saw?
Jerry OConnell: I say Macy Gray. The last movie was The
Insider. Was it any good?
Jerry OConnell: Wait a minute, the last movie I saw was Mission
to Mars and it was really good. How was that Jerry OConnell kid?
Jerry OConnell: Hes a punk.
HugeJuggs: OK, which is better
sex in water or sex in an elevator?
Jerry OConnell: Sex in general.
Elizabeth Ronholm: Do you spend much time on the computer?
Jerry OConnell: Yeah, it just gets easier and easier every
S.A.M.: Whats it like to be you? We all want to know what you love the most
about your life. Other than breathing. And being a Hollywood star
Jerry OConnell: Time is of the essence here
if you
really want to know about me download my bio at
Stephanie: I am not asking names, but have you worked with anyone who was a real
pain in the ass?
Jerry OConnell: Ive been pretty fortunate
horror stories.
Gregslider: Is there ONE thing that you regret very much in your career?
Jerry OConnell: NO! The pay is too good.
Patricia: What was it like working with Brian DePalma? Did he allow for room to
move or was more in control? Open to feedback from you about your character?
Jerry OConnell: Hes open to all suggestions
study him in film school, where I wrote papers on him
then to work with him, is a
dream come true. Id be his personal pedicurist on his next job.
Spiffy415: Are you secretly a member of the Yahoo club Jerry OConnells
Fan Club?
Jerry OConnell: No, I dont really check myself out
online that much
It freaks me out a little bit
but I do go to the Mission to
Mars site.
IrishRedhead: Would you go out dancing with a southern belle like me
Jerry OConnell: Sure, Ill even line dance. You
better be a woman, though.
Cueballz: Levaing Sliders may have been a good career move
dont you miss Kari Wuhrer? You had some awful good scenes with her.
Jerry OConnell: Yes, but the show must go on. Whats your next project Jerry?
Jerry OConnell: Im going to do a film called Tomcats
with Shannon Elizabeth
hopefully, it will happen. Any writing or directing?
Jerry OConnell: A little bit of writing
I sold a
script called First Daughter. Its shooting this summer. What villain do you think they should pick for Spiderman?
Jerry OConnell: The Green Goblin
hes a freaky
little cat. Indeed he is.
IrishRedhead: Are you a Kid Rock fan?
Jerry OConnell: Yeah, I think hes funny. And veeeeery skanky
MrsCharlieOConnell: Will you come to Chicago so we can drink together?
Jerry OConnell: I love that town
I think I might go
see Gary Sinise in Cocos Nest at Steppenwolf.
Hixster: Would you consider yourself to be a big flirt?
Jerry OConnell: No, Im pretty genuine. Some might say dreamy
Jerry OConnell: (LOL)
IrishRedhead: Which would win in a fight? Batman or Spiderman?
Jerry OConnell: Spiderman
his powers are
Batman just buys toughness.
EHova: What did you think of Jeniffer Lopezs Grammy dress? Shes got a purty pooper
Jerry OConnell: I loved it
I even recorded it on tape
just to savor the moment.
Spiffy415: Would be a guest speaker at my Jerry OConnells Cult
Jerry OConnell: Please call Disney publicity for any
further inquiries about that. Somebody at Disney Publicitys gonna hate you
HugeJuggs: How often do you work out? Do naked/half-naked
scenes freak you out?
Jerry OConnell: No. I dont work out that much, but I
do surf. How does that work?
Jerry OConnell: Right before M2M they got me a
trainer and I was pretty jacked up. The guy dragged me out of bed and made me work. If you
really want to get into shape, become the star of a big movie. Theyll get your ass
in shape.
Elizabeth Ronholm: How do you handle unwelcome come-ons?
Jerry OConnell: I welcome all come-ons.
IrishRedhead: Whos the better fencer? You or your brother?
Jerry OConnell: My brother
I was 17th in the nation
he was 3rd.
Kattart: Do you like to put things in your navel, Jerry? Peanut butter feels warm
and gooshy in mine.
Jerry OConnell: I cant because I have an inney. I
have to be careful what goes in there.
VLAD: Whats the best toy youve bought so far with your millions?
Jerry OConnell: Titlest DCI golf clubs. How often do you play?
Jerry OConnell: I try to get out once a week. I beat my
boss yesterday, the executive producer on M2M. I even took $10 from him Whats the best course?
Jerry OConnell: Brentwood is the best
once again my
boss Tom Jacobson allows poor folk like myself to play with him.
HugeJuggs: Are you good in bed?
Jerry OConnell: Thats not a question for
youll have to consensusncensus of my past.
Dsd915: The scene is set. The woman is ready. You are primed
.what gimmicks do
you use?
Jerry OConnell: A little Neil Diamond
a shag
a fireplace and some pink champagne. You cant go wrong. A bottle of Thunderbird and a fist full of Cheeze Whiz? Thanks for
chatting, Jerry.
Jerry OConnell: Thank you. Jerrys been up for 37 hours helping crippled starving
: When does the movie open?
Jerry OConnell: March 10th. Is it as good as the trailer
Jerry OConnell: Yes, and better. Thanks guys, you were a
lot of fun. See you later. Thanks dud, have a good weekend
Go forth gentleman, and
chat well