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Episode Info:
Air Date: 03 May 1995
Prod Number: SL-107
Written by: Dawn Prestwich & Nicole Yorkin
Directed by: Vern Gillum
Summary: In this world, what we think of as traditional male and female roles are reversed: men stay at home with the children and do housework while the women have control of the corporate and political sectors. Arturo, the group's most chauvinistic member, gets a taste of how the "other half" lives and makes it a personal quest to crusade on behalf of the "weaker sex" - his.
Screen Captures:

Actor Character
Sara Botsford Mayor Anita Ross
Peg Christopherson Female Shopper
Robert Curtis-Brown Danny Eizenbach
Liza Huget Lois
Alf Humphreys Pete
Peter Kelamis Glenn
Joe Maffei Bernie
Leigh Morrow Anchor Woman
Douglas Sills Ed Dunleavy
Tamara Stanners Jeanie Moses
Jill Teed Serena Braxton
Andrew Wheeler Ken

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