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Episode Info:
Air Date: 19 April 1995
Prod Number: SL-103
Written by: Tracy Tormé
Directed by: Mario Azzopardi
Summary: The Sliders find themselves in an Earth where San Francisco is still inhabited by hippies from our 1960's - only here, Oliver North is President, the U.S. is involved in a Vietnam-type war in Australia and the flower children are under surveillance by the police. Meanwhile, Rembrandt stumbles upon his childhood sweetheart and discovers how a few decisions back home might have made his life been better - or worse.
Screen Captures:

Actor Character
Obba Babatundé Cezanne Brown
Andre Benjamin Street Radical (Uncredited)
Joy Coghill Mrs. Ezra Tweak
Michael Dobson First Policeman
Jason Gaffney Conrad Bennish Jr.
Michele Goodger Copeland
Deborah Lacey Sharon Brown
Richard Leacock Tremelo
Robert Isaac Lee FBI Agent Yenn
Gabrielle Miller Fling
Gerry Nairn Mace Moon
Barry Pepper Skidd
Joanna Piros Newscaster
Arthur Reggie III Rembrandt Brown Jr.

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