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Episode Info:
Air Date: 07 December 1998
Prod Number: SL-414
Written by: Richard Manning
Directed by: Helaine Head
Summary: The Sliders reach a world where a young woman named Christina has escaped from a Kromagg breeder camp with her half-human, half-Kromagg baby. Christina knew their friend Wade Welles, a fellow prisoner. The Sliders find out the coordinates of Christina's home world, but are forced to slide there before they can discover where Wade has been sent. On Christina's world, which has somehow managed to repel the Kromagg invasion, Christina's father Jonathan coldly maintains that Christina should have left the baby behind; what he doesn't tell her is that her baby can't survive on this Earth. And the Sliders soon have another problem as well: a Kromagg subcommander has slid to this Earth to kill Christina and recapture her baby.
Screen Captures:

Actor Character
Brian Cousins Korindos/Kaplan
Jim Metzler Jonathan
Brian Perry Solder #1
Natalie Radford Christina
Steve Rankin Kreeshax
Angelo Spizzirri Guard

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